Monday, July 8, 2013

So it has been a year? Is this a good or bad thing.

      In this year I have finished college, moved back home, started on a new road. I have began to asks questions of myself, since now I am no longer considered a child, even if I am far from the age of one, but since I was still in school people tended to put me in that category of eighteen to twenty-one; even if I left that age a long ago, more than I would like to admit. The questions I have been asking are these, what am I going to do with my life, what is God purpose for my life, what is modesty: is it cultural or God define? What does the modern Proverbs 31 woman look like and can I be her? Are men now more mice than warrior poets: and did we make them that way? How do  I find a God fearing man in a world full of cowering men? How do I live a faithful life as a single woman, am I waiting on the Lord or have I just given up hope that Mr. Right is ever going to come around? Is having the princess attitude really the greatest to have? Yes, I am a child of God and therefore the an adopted child of a the King, but does that also bring forth an attitude of pride and not humility.
      I know that these are hard question and that I am not the only one asking them and that some my consider them superficial. These are the facts that women out number men in the church," Guys are few in the pews" the numbers don't lie, but my standers are high and most men I know are married, too young or have a severe cases of Peter Pan syndrome, and I don't think are worth my time. I am I a snob or a Godly women, who knows whats the Lords wants for me. There are books upon books that talk about this topic, but there are also books about christian dating and waiting, but most I find focus on high school students or college age students,I am not saying that they don't need encouragement and guidance here, as a youth leader I know that, but as a late twenty something, who has never really dated I find, that I feel more like a freak than a normal women and I am not alone.
     I don't know if I will ever find the answers to them or if anyone will until the day we all get to heaven. What I do know is if I am struggling with this than other women of God are to. I hope to write on these topics and if the Lord will hopefully give some clarity. 

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