Monday, June 16, 2014

Conversations I wish I could have...

    Conversations I wish I could have. There are a few people in my life who I know are searching for the great something in their lives. One who we shall call “Sam” is looking for the inspiration again, the other who we shall call “Dean” is looking for the perfect thing that will make him happy. I am always afraid of coming off too preachy and that would turn them away so I will write what I want to say to them.
     Sam is looking for the next masterpiece to create; keeps asking himself, when will the great inspiration come. I want to tell him that it can only come when you let go of yourself and let God. That if you let the love of God, who sent his son down to Earth to take your sin, that icky thing which we are all born with that only his Son, Jesus can take away. When we proclaims him as Lord and accept him into our heart. That when you do that the peace that you have been searching for will come, but until that point it will be a fate of longing to be with Jesus and not being to make that leap to him and true inspiration.
    Dean has known about Jesus at one point in his life and grew up knowing him skin deep as his tattoo on his arm, and has since gone looking for perfection of real love, but failing. Dean looked for it in himself, by perfecting his body and making it an art form, by giving up his studies and going after his love for film in all its forms, but never looking up always looking around him at people, at himself, at women, but not at Jesus. I just want to tell Dean to look up and let Jesus love with his love, because only then can you really know his true love and how much he loves you. To give up the things of this world and let him into your life, that it is not about the religion you grew up with, which yes is only skin deep as your tattoo, but it is a about the relationship of a father, which will never leave you, who will carry you through the good, the bad, the ugly times and never let you take a step on your own again if you just let go of your own search for happiness and search for him and he will give Joy. Joy is not just happiness, (happiness is a man created, feeling, that is meant to be a poor substitute for true Joy) it is an inner glow of the Holy Spirit, which can only lift you up.
   Since it would be too hard for me to talk to you, so I write to you. I know that many people I know would fall into this category of Sam or Dean and I know that every believer has known people like this, so we pray for time and courage to say look and see what Jesus has done for me.

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